Unlock the power of blogging as a marketing tool by creating engaging content, optimizing search engines, and driving traffic to your website.

The transformation of blogging as a marketing tool and how the writers grasp its progressive variations have been well-spoken terms because of the fast-growing technology and the World Wide Web. The writers often misinterpret the differentiation of their written materials, i.e., categorizing according to a particular perspective stream, because of underdeveloped writing and editing skills and not being too confident in understanding the motive behind the content. They also dive too deep into increasing the word count of the written material to achieve fame regardless of the fluctuation of data in its content.
As a writer, it is essential to understand the perspective stream of the writing material, paying coercive attention to its context, yet it could not be too realistic as it seemed when it comes to meeting with the marketing agendas to increase the SEO strengths to stand top of the web searches. However, the writer must be skillful and intelligent in paraphrasing or idea writing to determine a vivid picture with the use of briefing as a writing strategy.
Keywords: blogging as a marketing tool, blog article, blog article construction, blog article writing, SEO optimization

The world has turned upside down since the birth of the internet. Advertising and marketing as a concept skyrocketed to propagate new ideas to seek immediate attention from consumers of organizations. So, blogging as a marketing tool, the blog: A website where a person, or people representing an organization, write regularly about recent events or topics that interest them, usually with photos and links to other websites that they find interesting—oxford definition, merged into the web as a cost-effective marketing tool because it can publish a significant amount of information without making much effort to distribute the idea among people. But things seemed to be a bit more coincide since the competition started adding fuel to the burning Blog fire.
During the past two decades, the internet has been transforming fast, spreading to the rural parts of the world. The developed countries started using budgeting tactics for advertising and marketing purposes from a different standpoint. In the US only, online advertising has grown from $1.3 to $10.5 billion within 5 years (Schumann and Thorson, 1999). So, it is easier to determine where it stands in the present day with the advancement of new technology. People are too often eager to follow a blog post rather than read a paper-printed brochure or a leaflet. They also had the mindset, “reading a digital blog saves the environment rather than reading a printed paper.” (Smith, 2012).
As with the rise of competition to post content in blogs for advertisement purposes, the demand for a skilled writer also increased while the editors demanded much higher than what the industry expected to offer them. In tradition, it is quite normal for a company to hire at least three co-editors along with an editor-in-chief to update a blog for blogging as a marketing tool at least twenty times per day, checking all the errors, and maintaining comments to interact with the audience (Banks, 2008).

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If you check blogging as a marketing tool nowadays, it might perhaps have a million pieces of content, but none of them has appropriate highlights of the key facts as per the need of the reader; instead, long-form articles stuffed with all those words against less clarity in their construction. The reason for this matter is perhaps the writers and editors are in much of a rush to complete their tasks to publish, with higher word counts, regardless of categorizing the importance of their publishing materials. They also fill up the blog with a lot more content to compete and rank higher on search engines.
As a writer, it is particularly essential to understand the core reason for writing a piece of material. He/she must understand how to fit in the correct perspective stream of the writing notion even before starting with it. The writing style and motive shift according to the requirements of any given work. It is well worth deciding the content of the idea in a critical manner with appropriate vocabulary, relying on the structure in the best way possible, to express the idea, to keep the audience interacting. However, the SEO guidelines are the next best crucial part of blogging as a marketing tool because of ranking standards, so if they merge with the flow and quality of the written content, the impact is higher.

Deciding the perspective stream
Blogging as a marketing tool has different elements and can use for various reasons. An individual can create a blog just to express ideas while a company can create a blog to interact with marketing, or both the individual and the company can also create a blog for advertising purposes to increase income. Either way, the information exposed through the content is merely a blog, not scholarly material with an ISBN.
- If the blog is for expressing ideas: Regardless of the word count, a writer can stay with the passionate flow of his/her thoughts and ideas in the greatest depth because the niche audience is already on a hunt for something to read (readers want to dive deep and read that particular author’s work because they are fans). Therefore, heavy marketing is not too necessary since the audience is up to date with the author: Learn more.
- If the blog is for marketing purposes: When updating information about an existing product, briefly address information in the article with backlinks to provide more strengths for the content to highlight facts. The writing style using points is readable since the reader can spot information, as they scan through the article. E.g.: When writing a demonstration article for marketing purposes, about a product that has five features and a sub-product, write a very brief introduction of a hundred fifty words, a descriptive hundred words for each feature, a brief introduction of hundred words to the sub-product, a less than hundred words conclusion. The reason is to keep the clarity of the content rather than expressing the content of the product manual. After all, if they do not have an interest in the company and the product, they do not visit the web to take a quick scan to inquire more. The more the company presents information briefly, the more the clients might follow up with a lead contact. Take a good look at how revolutionary car giant Tesla does the work. They have good clarity in their blog, using blogging as a marketing tool, with easy access to readers, the article appropriately expresses the motive behind its content; that’s where the trust came into existence without too much information: Learn more. Also, scan through the below article with attention to understanding how a news blog updates variations of an existing product: Learn more. As mentioned above, a point-based writing style is ideal when writing a self-help article for marketing purposes, demonstrating one point with less than a hundred fifty words including a brief introduction and a conclusion. A writer can add many points, demonstrating one point briefly since it is easy to memorize. Typically, eight hundred words to a thousand two hundred words are required and it is at its best. If you go beyond that, readers tend to be dull to scroll through and scan the article: Learn more.
- If the blog is for advertising purposes: An individual or a company can create a web blog with short descriptions, articles, and many more graphic images and videos to attract an audience, using simple methods to keep them up to date. Publishing several advertising methods on the web and blogs also impacts the ROI. “Pay-per-click advertising” is a much-recognized method: the person who wants to advertise does not pay for a probability, but rather an actual result, which contains a click on the advertising content (Kent, 2006). Click the link: Learn more; also, consider checking the following, but it is not for advertising purposes: Learn more.
How to draft a blog article
Blog articles could be drafted in different formats, depending on the writer’s writing style and skill. Some writers can sketch out the entire article’s structure, content, format, and references with a single mental picture. They do not need a mind map to decide how their introduction will be compatible with the context. Others follow up with a sketch even before drafting the idea in the paper. They keep the context sharp in the content, without any errors, following a standard format.

Blog articles are written in an informal style to keep the readers interacting with the content. The more the readers interact with the blog, the more the community grows fast. Readability is the key importance of the content, not the writing level i.e., fast and easy reading. Also, blogging as a marketing tool can be differentiated per the need to express one’s ideas in a passionate style. E.g.: a doctor writing about 10 health benefits, a journalist’s busy day spent, or a business demonstrating a product. (Smith-Worthington and Jefferson, 2018)
- Introduction: A brief description of the perspective stream, introduced through the thesis statement with much attention. It is the idea, which develops throughout the article. It also remains the topic when introducing the concept with compressed information. Use correct punctuation and vocabulary.
- Body: The writer must adapt to his/her unique tone, and keep the ideas flowing with attribution. Research before drafting, and Avoid cliché and metaphor if it does not ring bells to the reader. Use correct punctuation and vocabulary.
- Conclusion: Write a brief of the entire context, which is in the body of the content, introducing contrast and comparison. Do not exaggerate or be too obvious. It might lead the reader to determine that the writer is trying too hard to convey.
Keep a close insight while drafting the article, using correct punctuation and vocabulary in all three sections. Also, follow the link below to gain a broad understanding of drafting a blog article:
What to add to the blog article?
Blogging as a marketing tool has to be published with a lot more attractive graphics and backlinks to impress the reader. Writing is not enough when targeting different people with different learning styles. Visual learners tend to follow up with graphics rather than reading the whole content. It is required to express the article with supportive materials to have other readers also interact with the community. The more keywords in the article, the more the blog will appear on search engines. So, the writer must follow up with up-to-date search engine optimization guidelines to keep ahead of the competition. Add any quotes from other authors, it will offer some spirit and strength in the meantime.

Pros and cons of blog articles
- The informal tone will attract many readers since the readability is high enough in the content.
- Short-length articles with many graphics can keep the reader interacting.
- Write using points to keep the clarity of the content.
- An amazing way to express one’s self immediately.
- Can target niche markets and audiences.
- A high word count might be a cause to lose readers if they dislike it.
- Using many keywords in the content could beat the standard and quality of the article.
- High competition could cause the owner of the blog to increase the marketing budget.
- Even if the writer writes blog articles with references, they are not considered scholarly articles.
- Too much content might distract the reader.
How to do search engine optimization (SEO) to the article
A blog article editor must re-edit the whole content with appropriate keywords to rank high in search engines. It can bring more traffic to the website. There is no such thing calls strong SEO for the whole web. The editor knows how to perform the magic when considering on-page SEO, using keywords. If the company uses subscribed SEO service, still the keywords are important in appearing on the top of the search engine tools. The most legendary companies in the world are also struggling to keep their ranking high in search engines to exist at the top of the digital industry competition.

There are several tools, which can be used to generate these keywords. If the writer is in a paid subscription plan with the company, they tend to support him/her through one-on-one consultations to keep the ranking steady and achieved at all times. Check with these couple of links below to learn more.
Things to look out for are as follows,
- Search volume: It is better to have a higher number to gain the best results. SEO difficulty: If the number is less than forty, it is easy to rank through the keywords. However, all it matters is your budget, because, with the increasing advancements in search engines, it is better to be a subscribed user through an SEO specialist like Neil Patel. Follow the link given below to see how he demonstrates SEO as a lesson.
- The strongest meta description with keywords is the open door to the search engine ranking. Brush up the meta description a hundred times if prefers because it won’t be a waste in doing so.
- Adding graphics with reference links also could increase the search ranking.
Blogging as a marketing tool is a creative and passionate activity. The writers can express their ideas according to their style instead of being too hesitant in what they tend to express. It is a sheer, genuine resource where a true reader can understand the perspective of the writer. The content of a blog is to offer the readers to entertain themselves by reading through it while accumulating knowledge. But as it enters a marketing perspective, it has to be descriptive with compressed information. So, the readers can glimpse all the information at a glance and memorize it for later needs. Editing a blog article adds clarity to the readers’ expression. It does not mean harming the authenticity of the writer, after all.
Blog articles are not academic source even if it has been written from an academic perspective. The acceptance of the article is much likely less when compared to a scholarly article. They are to keep a reader interacting with different topics for a duration of time so for them to grasp as much as information instead of being exhausted in reading through long-form content. In contrast, editors must decide on the blog article content effectively while the writers draft it according to the requirement, relying upon their style and authenticity.
Writer’s Note:
I believe blog posts should be followed up with 3S’s Writing Style as short: keep it as much as brief with the most important information in the content, sweet: the tone of the content has to be attractively addressed for the reader to interact with it as much as possible, and simple: the readability of the article has to be much high so even a high school kid also could read and understand.
To Editors: Once the content is decided and passed to the writers for drafting, do not distract their identity and authenticity of the written work by asking for too many variations to do for the way you want it to be expressed. If you want to express what you desire the most, you should write the article in your way rather than expecting a writer to draft it for you.
Writers exist because of their wholehearted expression and writing style, e.g.: if there are a million things that can be added to the article, one writer can choose ten out of them as the way he/she prefers to express him/herself. Do not spoon-feed writers about how to draft the content or do not try to teach them how to do their job because you do not hire writers without understanding their capability in interacting with goals to complete tasks, and it is likely degrading their profession.
Also, writers are not writing to sink in one article, they prefer to move through, so be specific and neat in providing the requirement without second thoughts or later expectations. Let them come up with their research and express themselves according to their way of performing. Always use a grammar tool to save time. Go through micro and macro editing even before publishing articles on the blog.
To Writers: As highlighted earlier in this paper, keep a brief way of drafting a blog article in the best way possible with as much as needed information compressed in its content. Use a grammar tool to avoid simple mistakes and save time, do not lose authenticity, be mindful in using jargon, avoid idioms as it could cause others to be twisted with your expression when it comes to geographic locations, and do not try to compete with another writer: especially a native writer.
Create your quotes or take them from renowned icons in the industry, proofread the article at least three times before sending it to an editor, and talk to the editor if you feel skeptical about anything, cross-checking with your fellow writers is another good way to brainstorm ideas, do not be too obvious when drafting the article but bring clarity in the thesis statement followed by the context, never down-grade your written materials as they are published in a blog where millions of articles are uploaded.
To Publishers: Editors are also human beings, not machines, so be mindful when uploading the article to have a good scan and search for any errors through a grammar tool once the article is published—keep on updating it while scanning in a reader’s shoe, try and find different sources where the writer’s work can be shared and promoted to bring new readers to the ground. Author’s Motive: I am not an SEO specialist but an editor with SEO knowledge, so I try to keep a close connection with the SEO specialist to provide articles in the best way they expect. I did not draft this article following up with SEO requirements, I wrote this article because I wanted to add this to my portfolio. So, if someone goes through this article, they probably can grasp a bit of the idea behind my motive.
Banks, M., 2008. Blogging heroes. Indianapolis, IN: Wiley, p.27.
Kent, P., 2006. Pay per click search engine marketing for dummies. Indianapolis, IN: Wiley, p.11.
Schumann, D. and Thorson, E., 1999. Advertising and the World Wide Web. Hoboken: Taylor & Francis, p.99.
Smith, R., 2012. Becoming a public relations writer. 4th ed. New York, NY: Routledge, p.358.
Smith-Worthington, D. and Jefferson, S., 2018. Technical writing for success. 4th ed. 208: Cengage Learning, p.208.
Key phrases:
- blog marketing
- blogging as a marketing tool
- using blog as a marketing tool
- blog promotion
- content marketing with blog
- blog strategy for marketing
- blogging for business
- blog traffic generation
- blog SEO
- content creation for blog marketing
- blog outreach for marketing